Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's 99th Birthday Celebrations in Gurugram

We had the blessed opportunity to celebrate the 99th Birthday of our beloved Swami on 24th November, 2024.
The program started with traditional lamp lighting by all the Convenors from Gurgaon District, followed by Divine Veda chanting.
The Balvikas Children and Gurus presented a beautiful bouquet of pure love to their Beloved Baba with Vedas, multi faith prayers, and Swami's Quotes.
The wonderful cultural program further continued with inspiring skits based on Bhagawan's quotes, while our Indian cultural heritage was represented via colourful Dances by the Bal Vikas children along with representation of Glorious Mothers including Mother Easwaramma highlighting the life stories of their Divine Children.
Our District President Shri Joy Majumdar presented the annual report sharing details of executed plans, and also current and ongoing activities from Gurgaon District.
A total of 250 plus attendees including 125 children participated in the program, marking the the commencement of the Centenary Celebrations of Bhagawan. We were honoured to have our State President, Delhi-NCR Brother LVM Kishore, Mrs. Roopa Kishore, and State Bal Vikas Coordinator Sister Srilata Ramkumar with us who graced the occasion.
We are thankful to all Bal Vikas children, Gurus, Parents and all the Seva Dal who tirelessly worked for several weeks to present this beautiful offering at the lotus feet. Our youth excellently helped with all logistics for the program, and also exhibited their talent through various activities including compering for the entire program.
May Swami’s blessings always keep us motivated for carrying on our endeavours to serve His divine mission.
Jai Sairam